Letting go; all of the things that fear, our metaphysical. Winding around, although unbound by circumstances that, who, but, happens to be human. Pain is not located on the surfaces of being realized until. Yet, we all yearn to frequent- RELEASE. -Magnus Works WATCH "Whirlwind" here: https://vimeo.com/474085776 Director: Damani Pompey (@pompeiusmagnus) Creative Supervision: Synead Cidney Nichols (@synead) Director of Photography: Yasmeen Jawhar (@yasmeensj) 2nd Unit: Lisa Janae (@janae.lisa) Producer: Chelsea Ingram (@ccmmaroundd) Movement Director: Damani Pompey Release: Synead Cidney Nichols Editor: Kar'mel A.W. Small Color: Matthew Speno (@mattspeno) Music: Mount Eerie Location: 393 Studios (@393nyc)